They come in threes

I've noticed, in the most unscientific of ways, that antisocial people tend to give themselves away with three indicators at a time.

I call it my 'three strikes' rule.

Dickhead drivers? Normally a personalised licence plate, tinted windows and thumping music vibrating out of every inch of the vehicle. Awful airport people? Exceeding the on-board luggage allowance, ignoring all existing queues at boarding, and asking to move seats while everyone else is trying to get on the plane.

You get the picture.

This afternoon, I saw another example. A guy on the DLR, openly vaping, playing loud shitty music from his mobile phone, and blocking everyone's passage with his enormous mountain bike.

I almost gave myself a headache from rolling my eyes, when a ticket inspector got on and I mentioned it to him. His eyes filled with a kind of glee and he almost ran down the carriage to challenge the guy.

I have never seen this happen before. Honestly. It seems that nowadays in London indoor vaping is accepted and vape-enthusiasts (i.e. wankers) openly flout the rules. Spreading their sickly-sweet lung vapour over everyone within twenty metres of them. Like dragons, if dragons wore tracksuits and used speakerphone in public.

But this guy? He was in for a treat.

Not only was he fulfilling my 'three strikes' mental model, he also didn't have a valid ticket for the DLR. He instantly turned from cocky, man-about-town to pleading child as he hopped off at the next station. fine, no consequences. So he'll do it again.

And this is the problem. Rules are only rules if there are consequences when they're broken. Otherwise, they're just vague suggestions. And yes, this city has far bigger problems than people not buying a ticket for the train. Or smoking where they shouldn't.

But where do the rules kick in?

Asking for a very, very frustrated friend.

#DLR #London #Public Transport #Smoking