The week that was… 002

The second of my weekly summary notes, covering what I can remember actually took place.

I know that as soon as I hit ‘publish’, I’ll remember something significant and meaningful!

Home life

I got back from Singapore first thing on Monday morning and spent the first few days battling ungodly levels of jet lag. We had just enough time in Singapore and so it was nice to get home and sleep in my own bed again.

Not so nice was the sudden (from my perspective) shift into Autumnal weather and dark mornings. Not nice at all. I’m now braced for several months of cold darkness and need to come up with some free/cheap and sustainably ideas to combat it.


I re-watched Beetlejuice, in preparation for watching the sequel this evening. I've also started watching the new 'Time Bandits' series on Apple TV and quite like it. Gentle humour and the kind of show you can have on in the background as you cook dinner - which is exactly what I did.

Health and wellbeing

I finally got the results from last months’ medical check-up and would you believe it: my cholesterol has actually gone down! And by quite a bit. The only significant change I’ve made in the past few months has been dietary: since being diagnosed as lactose intolerant (yes, medically diagnosed, after several quite intrusive tests), I’ve had virtually no cheese, cream or milk. I’m sure that’s played a big part in it.

Obviously, I need to keep working at it, but it’s heartening to see it heading in the right direction - as is my weight. Slowly but surely.

Technology and gadgets

I’ve been experimenting with nudity. Technology nudity, to be specific! I’ve been living without a case on my iPhone and I think I’m going to leave it that way. The iPhone 15 Pro is such a beautiful design, it’s an absolute shame to cover it in a plastic case. I love the blue colour of the phone, it’s smaller in the hand without a case, and even the interface looks more edge-to-edge when it’s case-free.

I’ll just need to be a bit more careful with where I put it and how I hold it when out and about.

Travel and Adventure

I had to go to Dublin this week for work, insanely checking in for my departing flight while I was still on the flight arriving back from Singapore. I had enough time to get home, unpack, do the laundry, re-pack my bag and go to bed, before getting up at the crack of dawn and making my way to London City Airport to go to Dublin.

It was tough to keep going on the Tuesday, I’ll admit. But Wednesday’s workshop went well and I also got to catch up over coffee with an old school friend before getting my return flight to London.

Navigating Dublin Airport’s Terminal 2 made this all a bit trickier, as I’m used to arriving and leaving via T1. Terminal 2 is the newer and nicer one, but it meant I couldn’t wander on autopilot and had to actually pay attention to where I was going.

Which is harder when you’re still jet lagged. I’ve got two more Dublin trips to do next month, so hopefully I’ll be more familiar with my surroundings and look less like I’ve just been reanimated from a coma.


Aside from my Dublin trip, it was all about getting back into the swing of work, doing lots of writing and video edits for a new wellbeing campaign I’m running, and sorting out the remaining details of this coming week’s drinks reception to mark ten years of my business.

So, as far as I can tell, that was the week that was.

#Beetlejuice #Business travel #Cholesterol #Dublin #Singapore #Time Bandits #Weekly review #iPhone