The week that was... 001

Consider this the first in a series of posts summarising my week, something I enjoy reading on other people’s blogs.

Am I committing to doing this every Sunday? I am not. There’s basically nothing in my life that happens with that level of consistency, so consider yourself warned. The categories? They might change too. 

The Home Life

We took receipt of our new TV this week and it set our hearts a flutter! We went for a Samsung Frame, all 65 inches of it, and it’s a thing of beauty. It replaces the abomination that was the SKY Glass we had hanging on the wall for the past couple of years. The Samsung is slim, responsive, with a wonderful screen and the option to replace a black screen with works of art. 

And of course, The Frank Flyer put his voucher superpowers to work and managed, with a combination of cash back and rewards, to reduce the price of the TV from circa £1300 to circa £650. If there was an Olympics in saving money, he’d be a gold medalist. 

I’ve been enjoying being back at home after my week in Sitges. Even though it was a lovely break, there’s absolutely nothing like sleeping in your own bed. 

The Health and Wellbeing

I’ve been keeping my promises when it comes to health. I’m over a week with no alcohol ( in any format) and have been getting some form of exercise every day. Either gym, running or long walks. (In the gym, I’ve been enjoying ‘The Umbrella Academy’ while on the elliptical. So, so good).  

As a result, I’ve been sleeping like a baby (except for the filthy nappies) and feeling heaps better about… life, really. I was going to say I’ve had no junk food, but we did in fact order in a pizza on Friday night. And while it wasn’t completely wiped out by Saturday’s activity, I ran 4km and walked over 20,000 steps in London’s West End. 

Movement and hydration. It’s as simple as that. The weight is creeping in the right direction, but most importantly, I’m feeling better. Which is the whole point of the exercise. 

The Technology and Gadgets

For a host of reasons, this week I upgraded my MacBook Air. It’s being recycled within the family, and I got myself a new MacBook Pro. I picked it up from the Covent Garden Apple Store, which was possibly the worst idea I’ve had this decade. I normally avoid Covent Garden like the plague - it’s a tacky tourist trap and impossible to navigate due to crowds. 

So I left it till last, after all other errands and shopping was complete, and went from there straight to the Elizabeth Line to hot-foot it back to the sanity of Canary Wharf. 

The laptop is a thing of beauty and I have no regrets whatsoever. The 14” screen is perfect for my ageing eyes and, while heavier than the Air, is still eminently portable. It’ll be coming with me on all business trip going forward, so it needs to be! 

The Travel and Journeys

This time next week, we’ll be on final approach into Singapore. I love the place and have such excellent memories (mostly food-related, to be fair) of all my previous visits. We’re going quite the circuitous route, for reasons, including stops in Budapest, Helsinki and Hong Kong. But it’s the destination that matters, right? 

Actually, it’s the airline that matters when you’re traveling that kind of distance. So I’m glad the longest leg (Helsinki to Hong Kong) is with the always-excellent Finnair. I’ve enjoyed every flight I’ve taken with them. 

I’ve been compiling a list of things I want to do while in Singapore, top of which is a return visit to the excellent Yunomori Onsen. The perfect place to soak and steam away all those aches, pains and worries.  

Scanning my list now, I realise nearly everything else is related to food! Some things never change. And of course, I’ll be making a return visit (or two) to the lovely Dorothy’s bar.

The work

It won’t be a complete holiday as I’ve pencilled in some work during the week. I have some videos to edit, podcast episodes to prep, and content to write for a new course I’m launching next month. I have one working week left this month, and quite a bit to do, most of which is about chasing clients (and prospective clients) for decisions. 

I also have some final prep to do for the birthday celebrations I’m organising for my business. Next month is the tenth anniversary since I started working for myself, so I feel it’s only appropriate to mark the occasion. 

And that was the week that was. 

#Technology #Travel #Weekly review #Wellbeing #Work