Apple event expectations

We're now less than six hours until Apple's next event.

Obviously, this is making it harder than usual to focus on work. Between thoughts about upcoming Apple announcements, and refreshing the browser window allowing me to track the delivery of a new backpack (I have a problem, honestly), it's not exactly productivity central here this morning.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not in the market for a new iPhone. I have an iPhone 15 Pro and there is absolutely no need to upgrade this year. Or next, if I'm honest. I've also recently upgraded my iPad Pro and my MacBook, so I'm all about the software today.

I'm keen to get my hands on the new iOS and iPadOS downloads, though I'm not exactly sure when that's going to be. I'm wondering if they're going to surprise us with a little something extra in the Apple Intelligence space. Or if the new version of macOS will actually come out the same time as the other updates.

Amazing myself, I've somehow managed to avoid installing any of the software betas this year. I've been keen to get my hands on the new functionality, but common sense stepped in every time I felt tempted. I really don't want to be wrestling with bugs or a bricked phone while juggling with life's standard annoyances and challenges.

And while I'm primarily interested in the software, I'm also wondering what's going on in the Apple Watch space. I have an Apple Watch model 8 and it's just fine. It's more than fine - I love it and use it loads every day. And not just to run timers!. I'm not sure what could tempt me to upgrade, given that the Apple Watch Ultra has passed me by twice now. It's just too bulky for my delicate (ha!) wrists.

I suppose they could tempt me with a watch that has a longer battery life? It's the one thing I dislike about the model I have. It's the tenth anniversary of the Apple Watch this year, so maybe they've got something surprising up their gadget sleeves. My bank account would breathe a lot easier if they don't.

I've got plenty to keep me occupied between now and then, including quite a demanding todo list for work. And that upcoming backpack delivery, obviously. But most importantly, I need to go have a look at the various OS pages, to remind myself of what's coming with these latest updates.

Priorities, right?

#Apple #Apple Watch #Technology #iPad #iPhone