A seasonal adjustment

I woke up to darkness this morning, and it was tough.

It's only early September, but I'm already anticipating the next few months of cold, dark and wet weather. A time of year that I find incredibly difficult to deal with. My immediate response was to turn on as many lights as possible, but that's not exactly sustainable from a financial perspective.

Working in my nearby office, I spent quite some time watching the sky outside turn all kinds of grey throughout the day, while it simultaneously pelted down equally grey rain. You can bet that all the lights were on in my office!

So it's time to start designing my winter coping toolkit. Things I can do to navigate the darkness and not come out the other side looking like a giant human slug. And while I'd love it to consist of six months somewhere warmer and sunnier, that too is financially out of reach. So it's going to be good books, good TV shows, nourishing food and lots of contact with friends.

And should the winter sun decide to make a guest appearance at any point, you can bet I'll be out there pointing my face upwards and doing everything I can to absorb some rays.

#Autumn #London #SAD #cold